The kids started trickling in at around 2:30 p.m... then it was a madhouse! I had 2 activities planned for the kids... but of course only one happened. The first one was a spider made out of double chocolate muffins (for the body), with chocolate frosting, m&m's (for eyes) and chocolate-flavored twizzlers (for legs). The second activity was supposed to be owl faces on sticks but Tom and I could tell that the kids just wanted to run around and play. Who the heck wanted to stay indoors and make owl faces on sticks?! So the kids went out to the backyard to play... and I ended up making the owl faces myself. (lol) I had fun though!
Here are some snapshots of the kids playing...

Here's Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi...

Here's little Miss Olivia... cute as a pussy cat! She was a bit overwhelmed at first because she was the only girl that showed up. The other two girls couldn't make it. She warmed up eventually and played with the boys. We're glad her Dad stayed the whole time and helped. Thanks, Jason! And I'm sorry Veronica and Smith couldn't make it... the little one had the flu and stayed home with Mommy. Love these next shots of Olivia. The costume was very flattering on her. What a cutie!
Harry was a bit overwhelmed by all the kids too!
Here's Allen who later on dressed as The Grim Reaper...

Our kids were the first ones to trick or treat in our neighborhood. The parents trotted after the kids as they went from house to house... even when it drizzled a little bit. So the pictures stop here... as I didn't want the camera to get wet. We all brought umbrellas but the kids had fun even with a little drizzle. Hard to stop them with candy waiting behind those front doors! Oy!
At around 6:30, the kids started trickling out... everyone except Dylan (Kris and Mark, thanks for letting him stay longer) who decided to go with Cole to Olivia's neighborhood later on to trick or treat some more. Tom and Jason went with the Cole, Olivia and Dylan. At that point, I was NOT going anywhere... I was exhausted!
It was great to see the kids have a good time. I know Cole was very happy... he didn't want the party to end.
Hey parents, thanks for letting your kids come over. We had a great time!
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