
June 25, 2011

Adventure Playground


Bob came by and picked us (Cole, Lily and me) up from Dan's house on Saturday morning so we can all watch and cheer for Billy at his baseball game that afternoon.  It was great to see them all... Bob, Rosie, Billy and Sammy!  The two boys have grown up quite a bit since I last saw them!  Billy has matured into a more confident young man and Sammy's not quite as shy anymore... I actually got a hug from him this time!!  :)

We traded stories on how life has been since we last saw each other.  Then Bob suggested taking the kids out to Adventure Playground while waiting for Billy's 2:00 pm game.  The kids had a blast at this playground!  Whoever conceptualized this playground is a genius!  Most of the pictures I took were of the kids going down this trolley as you'll see below.

The path going down was strewn with these pretty yellow, white and purple flowers...

Some of the contraptions the kids played with/on were built by their own hands... with parental supervision, of course.  It was a super fun place for kids to play.

I wish I had taken more pics of the surroundings so I can show you the other things they had going on there.  But obviously this trolley was a hit with the kids because they had another go at it after running around playing Hide and Seek.

We all went back to their house afterwards for a lovely lunch made by Rosie.  I can't remember if I had thanked you for this, Bob and Rosie.  If I hadn't... THANKS much for all the love and wonderful food!!

I'll be posting Billy's game pics in a separate post.

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