
October 18, 2010

Green Eggs... and Ham, I mean Toast!

After getting home from school, Tom and I showed Cole 2 dozen fresh eggs from a local farm.  We asked Cole if he wanted green eggs or brown eggs for a little afternoon snack.  "Green eggs?  Oh yeah, sure.  I've had green eggs at school.  I like it."  I said, "I don't think these eggs are quite the same as the eggs you've had in school, where green food coloring (perhaps blue?  blue + yellow = green?) was used to make the eggs look green.  These eggs we got today have a pale green shell and a regular fresh egg inside."

Cole didn't quite know what to make of what I just said until he actually examined the eggs.  His favorite eggs are the speckled ones, which are the three he's holding in the cup of his hands (third photo).  You'll see the pale speckles better on the third egg from the left (clockwise) in the second photo.

Since we didn't have ham in the fridge, Cole opted for toast... Hence, the Green Eggs... and Toast, Dr. Seuss!

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